Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Dentistry, Holistic

Holistic dentists are licensed dentists who bring an interdisciplinary approach to their practice. They may incorporate such methods as homeopathy, nutrition and acupuncture into their treatment plans. Most holistic dentists emphasize wellness and preventive care while avoiding silver-mercury fillings.


Dowsing is an ancient art of searching for hidden things (water, precious metals, etc) using one of the senses that many of us are not even aware of possessing; reportedly 80% of people have this special gift - an ability to sense things not perceptible to others. Some of these people do not need any extra tools to do that - they just KNOW where is the best place to dig a well or where the gold treasure is hidden.

Ear Candling

Primarily used for wax buildup and related hearing problems, ear candling is also used for ear infections and sinus infections. Treatment involves placing the narrow end of a specially designed hollow candle at the entry of the ear canal, while the opposite end is lit.


Electropathy is a specialised system of therapeutics which involves the use of various forms of electric currents for medicinal purposes.

Fasting Therapy

Therapeutic fasting or fasting for health is a purifying and rejuvenating process by which toxic waste matters of the body are eliminated and regeneration of diseased tissues occurs.

Feng Shui

Ancient Chinese practice of arranging the home or work environment to promote health, happiness, and prosperity. Consultants may recommend changes in the surroundings - from color selection to furniture placement - in order to promote a health flow of chi, or vital energy.

Feldenkrais Method

The Feldenkrais Method is a systematic approach to neuromuscular relearning. The method is suited to healthy people who want to increase the flexibility of their bodies and thinking, people with neurological and movement disorders, and those who want to achieve excellence in the arts, sports, or any endeavor.

Flower Essences

A method of alleviating negative emotional states that may contribute to illness or hinder personal growth. Drops of a solution infused with the captured"essence" of a flower are placed under the tongue or in a beverage. The practitioner helps the client choose appropriate essences, focusing on the client's emotional state rather than on a particular physical condition.

Gem Therapy

A relatively recent discovery in the field of alternative medicines, it involves the use of specific gems to treat specific ailments.


An ancient form of healing still widely used in much of the world, herbalism uses natural plants or plant-based substances to treat a range of illnesses and to enhance the functioning of the body's systems. Though herbalism is not a licensed professional modality in the United States, herbs are "prescribed" by a range of practitioners.


Heliotherapy is the science conducted on the positive effects of the sun and is an effective tool in boosting the body's immune system.

Holistic Medicine

A descriptive term for a healing philosophy that views a patient as a whole person, not as just a disease or a collection of symptoms. In the course of treatment, holistic medical practitioners may address a client's emotional and spiritual dimensions as well as the nutritional, environmental, and lifestyle factors that may contribute to an illness. Many holistic medical practitioners combine conventional forms of treatment with natural or alternative treatments.


A medical system that uses infinitesimal doses of natural substances - called remedies - to stimulate a person's immune and defense system. A remedy is individually chosen for a sick person based on its capacity to cause, if given in overdose, physical and psychological symptoms similar to those a patient is experiencing. Common conditions hoeopathy addresses are infant and childhood diseases, infections, fatigue, allergies, and chronic illnesses such as arthritis.

A means of bypassing the conscious mind and accessing the subconscious, where suppressed memories, repressed emotions, and forgotten events may remain recorded. Hypnosis may facilitate behavioral, emotional, or attitudinal change such as weight loss, or smoking cessation.It is also used to treat phobias, stress, and as an adjunct in the treatment of illness.


  1. Studies have shown that using hypnotism for weight loss can have many benefits for patients who have not been able to control their appetite and avoid fatty foods on their own.

  2. Losing weight can reduce your risk of health problems if you’re overweight. Carrying extra weight is linked to many health conditions, and it can shorten your life.
